Thursday, May 22, 2008

Gulmohar - Fia, the breeze in my life!

I must have been in my growing years, attaining little bark on my stem and branches, when Rose and Martin shifted into this bungalow (I am firmly fixed into a cozy corner of its garden). Rose was a delicate beautiful petite woman, expecting her first child. She seemed kind and adorable, for she would everyday take good care of her husband, her new home and also her new garden. She must have been around 25 years least looked so. Her husband, Martin, a young guy in his 30's , was a nice guy too. I was quite delighted to have a wonderful family like theirs in this bungalow. 

The owners of this bungalow had long back shifted to Canada. Occasionally people would come to see the place, but somehow, its first family had to be of Rose and Martin. And I think that was the best thing to happen to me. Often, when the bungalow had not been occupied, neighbours would pluck flowers, nasty children would jump into the garden to play hide n seek, or would simply just pull leaves from plants and trees. Since I was still growing, they could manage to get their hands on me too. The garden was quite a hassled lot of flora. I was relieved when Martin and family moved in. 

Six months later, I was to get a new companion. Martin and Rose would have their first child. All this while, Rose had established a quiet but close bond with all of us in the garden. She would water us, sit beside us in the evenings or would just stroll about in the garden humming a song to her to be child. I could sense her warmth and her immense love and devotion to family.

A week later, I could sense that joy had finally arrived. They were blessed with a baby girl. Though I had not yet seen her closely, I only heard them call out to her. They had named the baby as Fia. Baby Fia was a little angel. A warm sunshine. A beautiful flower. And a breeze of life in my life... 

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